All in regards to epilepsy care at Mayo



We sure all achieve excitement. All at different levels. For different reasons.

I was sure excited for birthdays, stay-overs, gymnastics meets, and travel when I was young. Then friendship, travel, beachin’ it, job-force, and blessing of a beautiful child and new husband as an adult. Then it moved to a totally new level when illness set in. I was excited to be able to function the next day. To be able to get thru a day without remembering when ex beat me-and turning to my overdosing. Going one day without one seizure. To be able to smile and help others smile as well. Moving on-To learn that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, finally. To find my true love throughout such a crazy life. To get thru each year, with new seizure issues inclining-with amazing doctors figuring out something amazing each year– until they found the FINAL ANSWER!!

My personal excitement this week is my appointment with my neurologist this Wednesday. First time after my 3rd brain resection there at Mayo Hospital. We had many complications-personal issues such as stress from being beaten after first resection in 2002. And body not able to soak up several medications. Moved onto second, which was very beneficial, than third. The third I just had in February-I will be ever so grateful, and amazed. They did it awake-and I was absolutely conscience for it. That amazed me. It was fun for me, except for the pain in the ending part. But amazing!

I have been seizure free since the resection on February 12th-which will be such relieving news for my neurologist. I saw my neurosurgeon last week-he was so delighted!! Thank you Dr. Zimmerman! But my most frequent specialist at Mayo-who has seen me thru such drastic times, both neurological and psychological-will be more than relieved… and he deserves that and more. I am ever so gracious for the care Dr. Joseph F. Drazkowksi provides at Mayo Hospital here in AZ-one who does it with heart, not just as a career. Sees it from the patients eyes. And I am ever so grateful God made sure I saw him!

This is where I will always make sure I have the RIGHT type of health care- one that I can choose Dr. Drazkowski- not one that makes me go else where… as for the “else where’s” didn’t fulfill my needs before. Not just medically, but personally. Know that matters.

Blessings to you all!

Heather J Siebens

Dr. Drazkowski

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