All in regards to epilepsy care at Mayo

Archive for the ‘brain-resection’ Category

Never Again-Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL

It used to be due to several cruel people, really. But this one truly took the cake. No one can take someone (for example, myself), who has conquered so many health battles in life, and in turn use those same health battles against me. What I am referring to when I say this? The horrific “Special Notes” written in a biased and untruthful manner by Dr. Kristine M Thompson (a physician in the Mayo Clinic Emergency Room in Jacksonville, FL).

This place lacks dignity, care, testing, solutions, strategies. The core of the problem is the amount of staff, next problem, the type of staff.

We can all go back in 2003 and discuss…what I went thru, what my neurologist from Mayo in PHOENIX AZ… went thru without a wink- TO SAVE ME…. But I do not take judgements from ED people, who haven’t chosen a specialty- who don’t stay true to their patients….. and who do not bring up your history charts to see that you have never once sought out pain medication in your lifetime. Been in excruciating pain that my… MY doctors, no- MY SPECIALISTS in Phoenix, AZ Fight and test, and fight, and retest until everything is exhausted…. Then pick up again and start over.

So, in a move I think anyone would agree was a very well-reasoned, we decided on Jacksonville, FL – which so happens to have a large Mayo Clinic minutes from our new home. We all agreed that having Mayo Clinic so convenient and close to my house in Florida would help this pain disaster. Until we GOT back, we didn’t figure but a second round for pain treatment would be needed for my ferocious pain here at the JACKSONVILLE MAYO AND  will be traveling back to the REAL MAYO- at Mayo in Phoenix, AZ…. since no one here calls back, and no one here tests or cares. Which is totally ok, I’ve ALWAYS LOVED THE ONE IN PHOENIX…. I named my cat after it. I had all 3 brain surgeries there and more. And they push on. Respect.

We HAD to go back to the ED in hopes these people, like Dr. Braggs, or really more off Dr. Thompson were just living nightmares, that may have repeated more than once or twice, but it could have just been their foul weather here, their bad short stocked nights, or really in fact, that they were just as horrifying as they really came across each and every time???! I give people more than second chances, right!!?? Well…. Dr K Thompsom belittled me in my pain, and discomfort to the point I was already nauseous from pain- but she threw it out of proportion. Judging me WHY I REALLY was there, what for, and she would control what medication to prescribe – which I don’t have necessarily true allergic reactions to, but rather can have sensitive reactions to that defeat the purpose of the medication.

Did Dr. Thompson EVER read my 13 year devoted chart to Mayo, at least Mayo in Phoenix and Rochester? NO. She would have seen I invested as much time, energy, money, trust, and health into MY docs, that she had zero idea where I was standing today in life. She has poor judgment and clarity… For that should not be “caring” for anyone. As for hers isn’t just a rainy day. Her additude is every night and day.

So due to Braggs, John, many others and of course, Dr. Kristine M Thompson, I will fly 3000 miles and back every week before I EVER drive 3 exits to see them ever again. The facility as a whole is disrespectful. There is zero care of your concerns… You are just a number at THIS MAYO IN JACKSONVILLE, FL…. THE REASON people in the Midwest to the West Coast NEVER HAVE HEARD A PEEP ABOUT THIS MAYO. The reason THIS MAYO even runs a LITTLE DIFFERENT SHIP and has its own “secondary” number as opposed to just the ONE Clinic number.
The Mayo in Jacksonville, FL won’t end here… Neither will Dr. Kristine M Thompson. This is when things just begin. And you just wish you would have thought twice about NOT BEING IN THE MAYO SYSTEM OF RESPECT, INTEGRGRITY, NON-judgmental of your patients…. Like the Mayo in Phoenix, Scottsdale, AZ…. And Rochestser and all sister hospitals in MN. You have truly begun a nightmare Miss Kristine Thompson…. Unless you know how to apologize, admit failure, face to face and on paper work in the next 90 days…. You have so much to answer. I will be there. But you owe all, ALL OF MY WESTERNIZED MAYO’s SORRY’s. We live a bit different sharp life in Western America- which is I guess why people look for Western medicine. Start With my neurologist, I’d be thrilled to go down a list of people you need to include Ms Thompson. As for my doctors never fade. MINE DONT….

Keep working the way you wish…. I will keep traveling THE FRIENDLY SKIES to Mayo in Phoenix, AZ….. BLESSINGS.



To God be the Glory, Honor, Praise!

Proverbs 13: 13

People who despise advice will find themselves in trouble; those who respect it will succeed.

Proverbs 24:12

Don’t try to avoid responsibility by saying you didn’t know about it. For God knows ALL hearts, AND HE SEES YOU. He keeps watch over your soul, and He knows YOU KNEW!! And He will judge ALL people according to what they have done.

For Dr. Joseph F Drazkowski, Dr. B Vargas, Dr. R.S. Zimmerman, Dr.Cynthia Stonnington …. This verse below applies to you all so perfect in my heart-with so many thanks! For God has used you all as a distinct tool and continues to in this generation-yes for me!!! But Amen for ALL. Bless you all ….this is for you….

Matthew 4:24

News about Him (Jesus) spread far beyond the borders of Galilee so that the sick were coming to be healed from as far away as Syria. And whatever their illness and pain, or if they were possessed by demons, or were epileptics, or were paralyzedHE HEALED THEM ALL.

Cut and Stapled Many Times from Hetty Siebens on Vimeo.


Time Flies

Mommy's Angel

My little girl turned 9 April 17th this year…. so this was my 9th Mother’s Day….

This was also my 3rd brain surgery I had, 3 months ago May 12th!! That was such a blessing… as for these were the first of her birthday and Mother’s Day I was truly well for. And for that, I am so grateful.

It took many years of pain, anguish, tears, struggles, re-gripping, grasping Christ in faith all over. As for it is very difficult to go thru two prior brain surgeries that did good in small circumstances for seizures and auras, helped my faith grow more and more-become reliant on Christ… but they did not answer my seizure disorder. And in between I did have amazing times with family… but I had more epileptic strife getting in the way, and that was tough. I watched my own seizures worsen with certain medications I would take, during them and also when I would ween for several weeks off of one and onto another. My body still would just flip out BIG TIME without it–and with it. Was a lose lose situation.

But the amazing part, it is never a lose lose situation with Christ. He always has answers. And I thank Him and praise Him for that. As for most speciality facilities for neurology don’t even take, well many first brain surgeries–but second ones and third are a big no no. I am ever so grateful for my specialty doctors at Mayo Hospital-whom have such hearts for the true need of the patient, and not their statistics. As for the second one they had some worries about-but I had so much faith. We went the next step of extra testing with the in depth electrodes in my brain-to show them what parts they were wanting to take out, if they did what would happen. Very amazing. As for my third rocked even more-as for we did that in depth electrodes —here is a glamour photo of the pain I was in, but greatly medicated praise God!! –>

A little Pain

I love this photo. Not for looks. As for what they did for me was remarkable. For what Jesus got me thru and held their hands thru. Was just amazing. They did the normal in depth electrodes, as in this picture of pain. 🙂 But on day 12 following all of this, my neurosurgeon did the awake brain surgery–literally AWAKE. And you have to be an odd ball who is fearless, like me to handle it. I am one who is totally entertained by it-amazed!! Asking about it during set up-comforting nurses getting me ready, as for all are nervous that I am. And this type of surgery is the type, that the moment if the patient freaks out, or gets uncomfortable-is the moment everything is wrapped up and can’t proceed-too much liability and damage could be done. But I just rocked thru our ROCK! Even during the pain of it, I was able to still crack my jokes. This is a part I love about myself that God created.

And I love the fact that I am three months seizure free. Driving. Very much functioning more than ever in years! At the gym again!!! Treadmill time for cardio, weights to bring back the muscles I’ve always had from long term gymnastics and weight lifting–they were withering!! And basketball with my hubby and kiddo and ROCK CLIMBING I LOVE IN THE GYM!! I LOVE THAT!! It has been awesome!!

Love you all!! Know, you all have answers out there. They just don’t always come overnight. Sometimes God is forming a close relationship of love, trust, and obedience with Him… He has His timing and plans. Keep praying!! This was a decade of His love pouring for me, and still is.

In His Love

Heather J Siebens

Pumpin it



I had an amazing appointment with my awesome neurologist Dr. Joseph F. Drazkowski at Mayo Hospital here in Phoenix, AZ. I was able to walk in with such cheer and smiles… which comforted HIM BIG-after we hugged he was able to sit down in relief!! Relief of no seizures this time!! No awful side effects or loss of sight or memory etc. It is honestly amazing how much the doctors heart truly is in it for the patients as well-which we always need to remember. I have seen this awesome neurologist for over 8 years, been thru so many “answers” together, that didn’t fall thru-yet we kept pushing forward, as Drazkowski knew we’d find an answer! He always had great positivity, and I am ever so grateful!!

We were able to share stories of what was going on in the eight weeks of recovery for me. What all I was doing. How quick I recovered. How exciting this is. Compared it to the 2 prior resections, in amazement!! We shared time with family during holidays- (which is always a fun story!!) He loves to see if I do make it thru family SEIZURE FREE!! We all know that can be stressful!!! I sure do!! It was great talks of past times I was so thankful for- Jesus guiding me to call him the night I overdosed so much I shouldn’t be here. He very much took care of that. This is one neurologist that truly never gives up on anything. Which is why when Obamacare begins to light up, and will show any change in seeing him, or his pay-anything… my blood begins to boil!!

So to end our talk about that… Obamacare-and how all the docs at Mayo would like him to kindly change his mind and focus on happiness of foreign countries or getting oil prices back down, whatever… he had to show me one of the new annoying implemented papers for it…. AT EVERY APPOINTMENT I am supposed to sign this paper that yaps about how many times the doc washed his hands-TWICE, answered questions, had on jacket- etc…. etc.. Even have a nurse that scopes the floors to interrupt and ask herself to double-check, like a cold call. Just thought this was ridiculous! People know how to call Patient Care, and my neurologist took care of me with one complaint I had about the doc prior him one time two years ago!! This is childish.

I have grown up… haven’t you? More paper, more trees, more trash. God only knows what this will do with the Obamacare even more.

Either which way, without it fully in control, last Tuesday, I had a marvelous follow-up with my neurologist Dr. Drazkowksi, who means the world in neurology, psychology, and care to me. I will not gamble that!! The White House looks like they need repetitive letters!!

Blessings all!! Pray you all are well!! Those who aren’t– Mayo is amazing!!!

In His Love,

Heather Siebens  @AliveinMe  @EpilepsyCures